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How to keep the basket and things from touching?

2020-06-05 1035

1. Fully dry the surface water of the food to be fried.

2. Wrap the food with egg batter or bread powder.

3. Put a layer of tin foil paper on the bottom of the pot, which is commonly used for barbecue in the oven. However, the tin paper may block the convection of the air, for fear of uneven heating of the food. If you want to use it, you should poke a few holes in the tin paper.

4. Quietly brush a layer of oil on the bottom of the pan to make it smooth. Think about that the pan will stick when frying without oil.



The air frying pan was also used by me. This awesome device was awesome, but it was really washed out. I used to fry the chicken steak with a layer of bread flour. So the local wet after the flour was fried, I found it stuck on the basket, and it was too hard to dig. It was too hard and I was afraid of making it bad. I used it for a long time after I washed it with a warm water. But I tried to figure out what I found. , sticking may be due to the connection of not putting oil. If you want to see the time when you do not put oil in the frying pan, it will stick to the pan. So I think the air frying pan still needs to brush a layer of oil on the frying basket before frying, but the effect of oil is not to fry, so it only needs to have a smooth effect. According to some netizens, I have never tried to lay a layer of tin paper, but I don't recommend it. As tinfoil may block the convection of air, if you want to use it for fear of uneven heating of food, you should poke holes in the tinfoil.

Article origin: Jiangmen blast Basket  http://m.xiaodai86.com

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